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Python anyone?

My 5-year-old daughter is into zoo animals now and loves doing their "language". So we were in the car and going through the cow, the birds, the pigs, and the snake. I laughed out loud and said, "baby I don't speak snake, but I know a little python!" She had no idea what I was talking about, though my 10-year little gamer would know exactly and chuckle. Truth being speaking English and Spanish is super mandatory for most jobs today but what about different programming languages. I feel in 10 years' time it'll end up being a mandatory class taken in public schools. So yes speaking programming is awesome, but understanding is even better. Ever since my well-manicured nails googled kali Linux and python and java and well allllll free coding classes online it's been a marvelous journey. It's not something you take as a hobby, I feel like it's necessary to understand everything in business today. For example, during this crazy pandemic, my kiddos have been homeschooled, besides the obvious fact, I love my pajamas and messy hair with a nice cup of 10 am coffee lol but for the other now obvious reason: safety. You see before they issued mask mandates, and vaccine rollouts, I was searching into my ancestral soul for health answers on how to keep my kiddos happy and healthy. I found many answers, much of which ended up on tik tok creating some new familial dance with a high vibrating song, but the other answer is that they are more productive without the interruptions of outside noises while studying and practicing their codes. Hence I learned I can't possibly understand why on earth, I remove one comma and the error is 1 then I add and it's 1, 544, 455 error encountered when I'm working with lots of background distractions. I found my code speaks to me when it's me, some caffeine, loud peak focus music, and Pycharm to solve all the issues. Go hard, don't give up. Google the heck out of all your questions and try em' all, because to every problem there is A solution.

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